Little Miss Evie is two months today. I can't believe it has only been two months, but also it seems as if time is flying by.
We are all in love with our Evie. John says all the time through out the day, "is that my cute girl? Where's my cute girl?" And Ada begs to hold her and talk to her and kiss her. We all kiss her all of the time. And her smell. Oh my goodness, her snuggled up in my arms, that little baby bottom sticking out, her fuzzy red hair right under my chin, and the sweet smell. The sweet smell. There are things that are so hard, and I can't pretend that I won't be glad when life is a bit more stable--when routines are established--but at the same time I want her to stay this small forever. She's so squishy and cuddly and funny and sweet, and we just love her so much.
A few things about Evie at two months.
She nurses ALL THE TIME. I mean, there is no other way to describe it. She nurses all the time. There is no schedule--she nurses when she wakes up and before she goes to sleep and sometimes in between. I have sort of tried to figure out a schedule, but it's just not happening right now. I think it will all work itself out when she settles into a more normal nap schedule.
As for naps, she takes several 45 minute naps throughout the day. It never fails, she always wakes up after 45 minutes. I think this will change as she gets older. She's still so little.
Her nights, on the other hand, I am spoiled, spoiled. She basically sleeps through the night. We have settled into a sort of routine where I bathe her around 7 or 8, then I nurse her in her dark room, and then I rock her for a little while before laying her down. She is usually drifting off at the point but not sound asleep, and she might cry for a few minutes, but that is about it. I usually have to feed her one more time before I go to bed for the night, and then usually again around 4 am. In other words, I am getting a very normal amount of sleep. I am so thankful for the sleep, to wake up each morning refreshed.
We are getting a few smiles out of her, but she does not give them away easily. And we have just reached a point where she has content moments while awake. Before the past week, she really wasn't very happy when she was awake unless I was nursing her, but we have really turned a corner this past week, and she has been content for up to 30 minutes at a time, lying on the bed looking around or sitting in her bouncy seat looking around. She is such a starer, and she gets her eyes on something and is mesmerized.
It's already hard to remember what it was like without her in our family! It makes so much sense for her to be here.
Sweet Evie. Sweet, chunky, Evie. Precious girl.
These pictures are ridiculously cute. Wish I could see her in person!
Way too cute! (especially the red hair!) Glad to hear you are falling into three with grace and courage.
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