Friday, June 22, 2012

We are up to our eyeballs in homeschool parent practicum and vacation bible school (all in the same week) over here, hence the quiet blog.

For the past three days, we left the house at 7:30/8:00 ish, and we finally crashed back home at 9:00 pm ish.  (John was rescued from VBS by Scott each evening around 6:30, so it was just Ada and me keeping the long hours).

So, during the daylight hours, my head is swimming with things like what is Classical Christian education, exactly? and tell me one more time why Latin starting at age four?  (there is a reason, a very, very good reason, or reasons if you really want to know, for those of you who might be thinking I am a bit crazy when I talk about Ada and Latin).  And I would like to eventually process some of those thoughts on this blog, fleshing out the things that are simply floating around in my brain right now--the truth that this decision to educate my children classically and from a Christian view point is a very intentional decision.  But, I don't have the mental energy at this particular moment.  Give me a Saturday with nothing on my schedule, and I might have time to process just a bit.

We do, luckily, have a low key day today before our final night of VBS.  Ada wishes that VBS was every night of the summer.  I have to say, I don't share her sentiment.  And last night, when she cried and cried and cried in hysterics over the fact that she had no friend to invite to VBS (which is sort of sad, and we agreed that we will start praying that this time next year there will be a little girl that she can invite, but I think the tears were really out of exhaustion), I am convinced that whether she knows it or not, she will be glad that VBS is only a week instead of the entire summer (a fun week for her, for sure, but oh so exhausting!!!!).

So, I am writing this only to post a few random pictures and to say I have some thoughts forming in my head, and I will be processing them on paper (on screen?) soon.

 more failed attempts at a picture with my children

 cold after a long morning at the pool.  Yes that is a capri sun, don't judge...
 John and his dear friend, Kate.  They are at the delightful age where the have no clue that they aren't the same gender; they just know that they like to hang out.  In fact, as I am typing this, John is leaning over my lap saying, "Kate, turtle, Kate, turtle," over and over with much eagerness.
 they are sharing a bag of potato chips.  I know, I am winning healthy parent awards left and right.
 Earlier that morning--sunscreened up and ready to go
 At the park, playing store.  We love this park that is about two minutes from our house.  It's great when all of a sudden we all need to get out of the house.

 And puppet show...the wood chips are the puppets...

John no longer sticks to the "baby" side of this playground.  He wants to do whatever Ada is doing.  Though he would say Uggle.  This morning when I called her Ada, he corrected me, "not Ada, mommy, Uggle," as he pronounced Ada plain as day.  Looks like that little nick name is sticking around.

And now I must go, as John's dirty diaper is demanding immediate attention...

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

Oh, Laura Beth, the pictures are so great. Thanks so much for posting so many. I had no idea that John calls Ada "Uggle". Where on earth did that come from? I hope so much that it sticks.

Love y'all.