Monday, June 13, 2011

Thankful. #s 121-130.

121.  Feeling very loved and taken care of by my extended family--both my side and Scott's side. 

122.  The unexpected and much, much, much appreciated means to get the air conditioner in the SUV fixed.  So thankful.

123.  An appointment at Emory on Friday--thankful for all of the doctors that have been and are working so hard to get my skin situation figured out.

124.  John's little chubby feet stomping and splashing in the baby pool.

125.  That I will not be alone as I begin my first year of homeschooling.  Friends will be right there with me. 

126.  Fresh vegetables from the co-op, combined with the carrots and lettuce already in the fridge, to make a wonderful salad.  Perfect on a summer evening.

127.  That, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," Philippians 4:16(?)

128.  Restored wireless internet, thanks to a friend of Scott's!!!

129.  A fairly clean house at the end of this day.

130.  A quiet house after the kids are tucked in.

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