Thursday, November 7, 2013

Quick Pregnancy Update

I am feeling super encouraged because today at my 37 week/almost 38 week doctor's appointment, my stomach had not grown any from last week, and the midwife spent a long time "pressing and poking" on my stomach to try to guess Evie's size.  She guesses 8ish lbs, so I am thinking the growth has slowed way down.  Just a few weeks ago, my stomach was measuring five weeks ahead, and today it was only 2 + weeks ahead, with no increase from last week.  I can handle anything less than 9 lbs, so maybe all that 10 lb talk is not going to happen.  Woo-hoo. 

I do have my final ultrasound on Monday, so we'll see, but I am feeling good about waiting this thing out and just going into labor with no more C-section talk.  Praise. the. Lord.


Redheaded Adventures said...

Thinking of you and praying for your sweet family!

Redheaded Adventures said...

Thinking of you and praying for your sweet growing family!

Unknown said...

Such good news!!