Thursday, March 27, 2008

A few more Easter pics.

That morning as I was getting ready for church, I gave Ada her Easter basket to keep her occupied, then I put it all back together and back on the table with Ellie and Luke's. She never knew what had happened when I gave it to her AGAIN that afternoon. Everyday could be Easter, and she would be fine with it. Bless her heart, I just filled the basket with things that I needed to buy anyway. Except for the stuffed peeps. Those were purely for the cute factor. Look at them peeking over the edge of the basket in the picture below.

Luke and Ellie with their rabbit ears. Notice Luke's soccer ball basket, and his little ball easter eggs. He is obsessed with all balls--football, basketball, whatever, he wants to play with it. Already a little athlete. Ellie had cinderella eggs, her favorite disney character, I think.


Deanna said...

Hi Laura Beth! I saw your website listed on Facebook, and I've enjoyed reading through some of your writings. I hope you don't mind! I'm new to the blogging thing myself, though I don't have the same interesting experiences to talk about yet. Anyway, the Easter pictures of Ada are great!

LB said...

hey Deanna, welcome to the blog!! How are things going? I will have to check out your blog to get updated:) It's crazy how blogging allows you to stay in touch with people. Hope all is well!!