Monday, March 22, 2010

Another Monday

I love my life.  I am so thankful that I get to be mom to Ada and John.  What a gift!!  But...the days can get a bit mundane.  Drowning in laundry and dirty dishes and spit up and dirty diapers.  I have already changed three today. 

Here is what we are doing on this Monday morning.

cooking dinner--pot roast, potatoes, and carrots.  One of my favorite meals when I am nursing and oh so hungry at the end of the day.
Ada is strolling her "baby."  Today her baby is a slice of her Melissa and Doug green pepper.  Who knows.  Never mind that we got her that wonderful American Girl baby doll for Christmas.  Really, play with the pepper, Ada.  Well, at least I am seeing her imagination come to life.  She lives in her pretend world all the time.
And this little guy is spending some time on his tummy because apparently that is what he prefers, so I am all for it.  Tummy time it is. 

Before I placed him on his tummy, he was in his swing, finally calmed down after several minutes of crying.  Ada walked over to the swing and started to push him very hard.  I was begging her to stop, trying to reason with her, and she kept saying, "I want to push him!!!"  Then when he started crying again, she looked at me so innocently and said, "John's crying, mommy."  I was like, you think?!

The other thing we are dealing with is projectile spit up.  Are you familiar with it?  I had not had first hand experience with it until John came along.  What I mean by projectile is all over everything everywhere.  When John does it, it lands in his eyes, ears, hair, furniture, all over me...etc. etc. etc.  Apparently, when I was a baby, I projectile vomited after every feeding.  So, on Saturday night, when John vomited five times in a row--it was amazing to see that much milk come out of a tiny baby--I immediately called my mom.  I was sure something must be seriously wrong with him.  My shirt and pants were completely soaked through, as if I had stood under a shower completely clothed.  His clothing was completely soaked through, and our love seat was also covered in spit up.  But he never even cried.  It didn't phase him.  And mom said he was fine.  She has seen it all, you see, after her experience with me as a baby.  Anyway...these are the little things that are making up our days.  But, I know that I know that I know, that each day I am making eternal investments.  I have to keep that in the forefront of my mind so I remember the why behind the routine.


Amanda said...

LOVE Ada and her "baby" pepper! Hilarious!

Laura Forman said...

thanks for reminding me of the eternal investment part...i am so like you right now...everyday is the same...feeding, changing diapers, playing with a toddler etc...while i love can be hard at the way, had a dream about you last night...dreamed we were talking and catching up (wish we could!) and then i said, i have to go, see you on your blog!! crazy huh?? guess we are able to keep up through this crazy thing called blogs!! :)

Mary Ann said...

The projectile vomiting - you're getting paid back for when you did that to your mom as a baby (haha - just kidding).

I can't wait to see y'all next Sat. I hope the trip from McDonough to S'boro goes well.

Love you,
"Aunt" Mary Ann

Mary said...

My hubby was sitting on the couch behind me as I read your post and he says your pot roast looks great!! : )