Monday, March 1, 2010

Mom to the rescue

So...after I posted that everything was still going well, I hit a major brick wall on Saturday. 

I had this great idea that with Scott home, I would catch up on some sleep over the weekend.  I was wrong.

I found myself playing parent to both Ada and John, as Ada continues to demand that I do everything in the wake of John's birth.  So, Friday night, Ada woke up twice on top of John's waking up to nurse every few hours, leaving me to once again wake up every hour.

Top that off with the incredible mess that currently engulfs my house from top to bottom, and I ended up calling my mom in tears. 

Scott and I decided that Saturday night I would sleep downstairs in the guest room, where I could not hear Ada if she woke up, and Scott would be left to deal with her while I took care of John.  Well, maybe this would have worked, but Ada didn't wake up that night, so we weren't sure and we were headed into another work week. 

So there we were Sunday morning, and after talking to my mom and telling her I was fine, and that I didn't need to come to Scottsboro, Scott made the executive decision that I did, in fact, need to go.  I think he could tell I was starting to drown in a world of sleep deprivation.  So, Sunday afternoon, Scott drove Ada, John, and me to Adairsville, where my parents met us and drove us to Scottsboro.

And here I am in the comfort of my childhood home, where I plan to catch up on as much sleep as possible and go back home rejuvenated--well, as rejuvenated as possible with a newborn. 

But, I must say, that things do continue to go exceptionally well.  John continues to nurse all the time, he does well at night, and he really is a laid back baby.  However, he is only three weeks old, and it just takes a while for things to settle in.  Don't you agree? 

Just the other day, another mom observed that those first weeks with a newborn are like living in an alternative universe, and I thought that was a perfect description.  I am just one who needs a little extra help from outside sources until we are able to move outside of that alternative universe.

Luckily, I have a mom who totally gets that. 

So, we are in Alabama for a few days, and I am thankful for the escape.

And I am thankful for the nap I took this morning.  Just a couple of hours of sleep can make all the difference.


Redheaded Adventures said...

Mama's are the best! So glad you are loved and supported as you grow into being a mom a 2 - get some sleep and enjoy the comfort of home.

Deanna said...

Hang in there! I hope you are getting a little rest-a nap and a shower did wonders for me in those first few weeks. Sounds like you and John are settling in well, all things considered!

Laura Forman said...

Girl, I totally understand what you are going through! I don't know how we would have made it without my mom here for 6 weeks!! We were truly blessed and really spoiled :) I will be praying for rest...will you pray the same for me too?? :) Love you!!

Mary said...

Laura Beth, I am so glad you are able to go to your mom & dad's house...I think Scott made a great executive are right, it really just take some time and some help to make it back to our universe again. I think it is very wise to accept help! : ) I'll be praying for you to get some sleep, friend!

Nicole said...

I so agree with your mom. Those first few weeks are so different!! You are lucky to have her. You are doing a great job.