Friday, May 27, 2011

Five Minute Friday: Forgetting

It's Friday.  Five minutes to write at the end of a long, long, long day.


And the words that pop into my head are...forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead...and I turn to my trusty ESV study bible and look it up. 

Paul is pressing on, walking away from all that used to define Him.  He was the best of the best of the best of the Jews, and he found out it was all rubbish compared to knowing Christ and wearing the righteousness of Christ.  (Philippians 3)

On this day, when God says no again to prayers that we have been praying for months now, and the bills pile up, again, I find myself tempted to turn right back around and run fast and strong into the arms of the things that I used to believe would save me.

When the scale and the diets beckon and offer the promise of control in a season when things spin wildly around me, then I must press on.  Turn this body right around and flee the temptations to find myself in something other than Christ.

Because I learned the hard way that all those idols really are just broken cisterns, and they can't offer me anything but despair. 

Instead, I will crash into the arms of Jehovah-Jireh, who offers me the living water.

...Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, Phil. 3:13-14


Brooke said...

Press on! What a great word tonight. Praying for you and your husband in your circumstances tonight.

Visiting from 5 Minute Friday,

Anonymous said...

Great post and a great reminder :)

The Farmer Files said...

Keep going, mama. This is a long season. This was the first time we have lived in New England, and I thought the winter never would end. I almost wondered if he would forget to send the Spring. Finally, last week we turned off the heater. But in those moments of snow in April, I wondered when, when, when would spring come? Yes, crashing into his arms. You are right.

Mary said...

Great post LB!!! Love it!