Friday, September 5, 2008

Possible Exciting News

I just got off the phone with Club Z Tutoring, and I have an interview at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon. The phone conversation went really well, and the girl I was talking to said that she doesn't normally interview on the weekends, but because she might have assignments for me NEXT WEEK, she wants to go ahead with the interview tomorrow. And the crazy thing is that what caught her eye on my resume is not my teaching experience at Pebblebrook, or even my Master's in education, but a tutoring job that I had two years ago with Linda Mood Bell--a job that Scott and I were desperate for in much the same way we are desperately needing extra money now. And we felt such a huge weight lift off of our shoulders when I got that job two summers ago. Obviously the Lord provided the Pebblebrook job as well, but it didn't feel as relieving as when I found out I had gotten the job with Linda Mood Bell, and now 2 1/2 years later, it looks like God is using that job to get me this job. It is just such evidence that God is always in control--always looking ahead--always seeing the big picture. And of course we don't want to get our hopes up, but we can't help but feel excited. We have been praying every night that God would provide a certain amount extra each week, and if this job works out, it looks like I will be making even more than what we prayed for. Praise God. And the woman said that most of their tutors are stay at home moms looking for a way to use their degrees and bring in a little extra income. Anyway...we are so excited and I am just asking you to pray tomorrow at 1:30 that God would give me wisdom and discernment and that things would work out according to HIS will.


Milla said...

Oh LB! So exciting. Isn't it amazing how the lord provides. I will certainly be thinking about you tomorrow at 1:30, and I can't wait to hear updates! I know you and Scott must be so excited...

Amanda said...

Yay that is wonderful! Such a blessing and you will get to use your degree. So excited for you all!

Jessica said...

Great news Laura Beth!