Tuesday, July 27, 2010


We spend most of Friday night in here, with no success.

And then, Saturday morning, finally success, and a reward.

John is reaching milestones of his own.  His milestone involves a spoon and a mashed avocado.  He loved it.

In the mean time, Ada is trying my patience at every turn.  Oh my word, the third year is promising to be a challenge.  I want to pull my hair out most of the time.  Our main problem is ATTITUDE.  Any advice?  I say a million times a day to Scott--I don't know what to do...We have timed out and pinched and talked and taken things away and practiced the right way to respond...and still, the attitude remains.  I am serious about the advice.  I would love some right about now.  I love her so much, but we spend most of our days at a stand off, and I don't think this is how it is supposed to go.  Last night right before bed, Scott, Ada, and I spent time tickling and cuddling and laughing, and it was such a treat to end the day with lots of laughter from Ada rather than whining and tears.  How can I make that happen throughout the day?  I do not know.  I am praying lots, though.


Jessica said...

right there with you on the attitude. I think prayer is the best place to be as we recognize we can't do it on our own. I feel your pain. Pass on any good advice you get!!!

Jessica said...

I feel your pain. I'm right there with you with Hannah. I think prayer is the best place to be as we recognize we can't do this in our own efforts. Pass on any good advice you get!

Jenny said...

LB, Andrew is doing/going thru the very same stage. It's almost as if some other being has taken over my sweet little boy. It's unreal. I am at a loss, also. We're past the point of trying to reason with him. My best advice is to be as patient as you can, and most importantly, realize that this is just a season of life, and that every single child goes through it. In fact, you should be happy she's acting this way, because it shows that she's confident and independent and trusts her little world enough to want to step out of those boundaries. It's a compliment to her mother, for shaping that world!

rhodes1 said...

Okay, you know I don't have any advice, but has Mom told you I'm going to be home this weekend also? I'm so excited to see John! He's so big, and I'm so glad I'm finally getting to see him again.

Rachel said...

Have you tried spanking? Some people don't believe in it, but I have already seen that it is making a huge difference with Wyatt.

Milla said...

Awww!! Your pictures are so cute. I just love the bathroom photos. Those will be so precious to have later in life. Keep us updated on their progress!!

Rose said...

can't think of any advice. love the potty pics.