Thursday, November 4, 2010

Typical Day

okay, so I posted this picture simply because that fat baby cheek is just too much.  I kiss it all day long.  Do you see what he is playing with?  A basket of bottle paraphanelia (sp?).  Drink a bottle?  No way.  Play with the parts?  Yes, please.

 Look at this big boy, moving all around my filthy kitchen floor.  (Yes, it was filthy, no matter how it looks!!  Crumbs everywhere!!)  It has since been swept.
On Tuesday, I got the unexpected treat of spending the day in Auburn with several of my college best friends (and bridesmaids!).  One of my friends is living in Hong Kong, and she was back in America for a wedding, so we put together an impromptu trip to Auburn, and it was wonderful.  The Lord was very gracious to me, and Ada and John did so great.  I was fully prepared for the day to be a disaster, but the weather was beautiful, and we spent most of the day sitting outside on a blanket while the kids played in the fresh air.  We started the day at Chik-fil-a, so that the kids could play while we talked.  Easier said than done, right?  Chick-fil-a was rather chaotic, and we had the table right by the playground, so it was even more chaotic than usual where we were seated.  Well, we were talking about motherhood in general, and one of my friends that was a part of the conversation does not yet have children.  I was trying to think of a good way to describe motherhood to her, and I paused and looked around at the chaos all around, and I said, "well, it's a lot like this most days."  And isn't it?  I feel like life with children is sort of like walking through quicksand.  You need to get out the door in a hurry?  Sorry.  The kitchen is a mess and you have company coming in 30 minutes?  Too bad.  I was thinking about that conversation today as I surveyed my kitchen and living room.  This is real life, folks. 

 Then, thanks to cartoons, scissors, crayons, and glue, and John finally being at an age where he can entertain himself for shorts periods of time, my kitchen now looks like this...
However, my dishwasher is full, I am out of dishwashing detergent, and I can't go to the store right now because John is asleep, so my sink still looks like this...
Life, right?  And an even closer glimpse into our life?  When I opened the cabinet under the sink to grab the dishwashing detergent to run the dishwasher, and I realized we were out, I called Scott.  When I asked him if he used the last of the detergent, he said, "Maybe.  I might have thrown it away.  I don't remember if I did, though."  That is so typically Scott.  I love you, babe!!!  In the future though, it's a good thing to mention it if we run out of dishwashing soap;)  Though, in his defense he probably thought I had a stockpile stored in a closet somewhere.  I normally do.

Motherhood.  I hope to remember these days years from now, when Ada calls me in tears about the state of her house.  And I will repeat the mantra, "the days are long, but the years are short.  Soak it up, daughter, soak it up."

p.s.  I should also mention that it is so typically Scott to do the dishes for me.  Which above and beyond makes up for not mentioning that we were out of detergent.


Jess said...

Those are some clean floors! I feel like Little People and Hotwheels have taken over our house!!! Thanks for inspiring me to get up and find the carpet again!

Lauren said...

John is getting so big!! It is so sad how fast they grow up. Noah will be 1 next month and that just blows my mind. :-) Like you said it goes by fast. Just thought you should know that my house looks just like yours most days. Thanks goodness for nap time. That's when I usually try and do a quick pick up around the house. Eric washes dishes for me almost every night too. I know he is thatnkful that we are finally moving to a house with a dishwasher!! :-)

Jessica said...

thanks for making us all feel normal.

Deanna said...

Amen to the comment by Jessica. My house looks a whole lot like those pictures (or worse) most of the time...and truth be told, I don't always get to that 'after' picture. But, hey...pushing trucks in the driveway with my girls is much more fulfilling in the grand scheme of things, right? : )

Mary said...

"Like walking through quicksand"...what a perfect analogy!!! And, can you tell that I am a bit behind on my blog reading, due to all that quicksand!? haha!

Mary said...

"Like walking through quicksand"...what a perfect analogy! And can you tell that I am a bit behind on my blog reading due to that quicksand!!?