Friday, November 12, 2010

Conversations with Ada

This morning, after spending a few minutes at the end of the day yesterday "training" Ada to pick up her toys at the end of each day--something I am also "in training" for;)

Ada:  "Mom, are we going to see Near today?"

Me:  "No, we'll see her in a week."

Ada:  "Then who are we cleaning up for?"

That is a dagger to the heart.  Really, I do clean my house from time to time, despite my daughter's observations.


Redheaded Adventures said...

Hillarious - but its real life! Yep, sounds like my two. Some days I tell them "just make me a path to your bed so I don't trip in the middle of the night". Every Saturday before dinner they have to have their rooms cleaned but any other day of the week if I ask them to clean- "but, Mama, I made a path for you!"

Redheaded Adventures said...

Hillarious - but its real life! Yep, sounds like my two. Some days I tell them "just make me a path to your bed so I don't trip in the middle of the night". Every Saturday before dinner they have to have their rooms cleaned but any other day of the week if I ask them to clean- "but, Mama, I made a path for you!"

Jessica said...

so funny!

Mary Ann said...

Oh, Laura Beth, I laughed out loud at that one. Out of the mouths of babes, huh? I am so guilty of waiting until company comes to "really" clean my house.

How is Ada and John's pink eye?

Jess said...

That is too cute!!! I know Micah wonders why I keep saying "we have to get this house ready for baby brother" he's gonna even care!!