Sunday, November 7, 2010


It has been months since I have been home to Alabama, which is not like me, and I am so thankful for Thanksgiving (get it!!) and a chance to go home!!!

And that's really all I wanted to say.  I need a good dose of small town Alabama, my parents' back porch (if it's not too cold), and lots of time sitting at Ann's house while Ada plays with her cousins.

One more week, and I am headed that way!!  Woo-hoo.

Now, if you happen to read this, please pray that Ada sleeps all night tonight.  We have had some ROUGH nights the past two nights, as she cried off and on all night long.  I have no idea what the problem is, but I am praying, praying, praying that we all get plenty of sleep tonight.

Update:  I am losing my mind, perhaps from lack of sleep?  I am not leaving for Alabama in a week.  Thanksgiving is in two weeks.  (thank you, husband, for letting me know).  AND, by the way, Ada did really well last night.  She woke up once, but she went back to sleep fairly easily.  She was crying and saying lots of things that didn't make sense, so I suspect that bad dreams are the cause of these night wakings. 


Rose said...

enjoy your time with your family. hop your baby gets feeling better. it's tough when a child cries and we don't know why. take care. rose

Mary said...

We are headed to Alabama for Thanksgiving too! See you on I-75 !! : )