As I mentioned in the last post, we have only painted one room in our house since we moved in. So, we are living with a vast amount of white walls, and I am very ready to remedy this. First and foremost, I want to finish decorating Ada's room. Her bedding is black and white fleur di lis (sp? french speakers?), polka dots, and stripes, so I want to do her walls in robin's egg blue. I thought this would be an easy thing to find, but the first paint color I tried seemed more neon than anything. On Friday, I bought an audition size of another blueish/green color, and I definitely like it more, but I am not sure if it is too dark. I took pictures of the random "splashes" of paint throughout the room in hopes that you, my cyber friends, can help me decide. I also need help figuring out what to do with the ledge located above Ada's bed. Any ideas? I also realized as I downloaded the pictures, that the color of the room isn't super accurate. For example, my dining room is actually more green than yellow, but it looks yellow in the picture I posted. But, still, you get the idea. So, suggest away. How's the color? Too dark? Not blue enough? And what should I do with the ledge?
P.S. The color to the left of the multi-colored picture frame is the original, neon, blue.
Jodie painted her daughter's room a robin's egg blue...I could ask her where she got her paint. It is more a blue than that color that you have on the wall. Let me know and I will ask her...and I will be thinking about that ledge...that's a hard one!!!
Hey-I was going to tell you that maybe after Ellie gets out of school (next week is her last)-we will make another trip to McDonough. I can't really help you with the paint w/out seeing it. But...as for the ledge...I would suggest a variety of things. Possibly a lot of stuffed animals? I have sooo many if you need some. That shelf would be a fun thing to just shop around for. Hobby Lobby has a lot of fun stuff that you can use for babies rooms.
hey LB~ I love the color you are choosing! My favorite hue is the one next to her crib (that is without seeing it in person). I agree with Ann~ you have so many possibilites with it. I thought about maybe blowing up a few black and white pictures of Ada and framing them in a black frame with a white mat. You could do an 8x10 in the middle with two 5x7's on the sides. The black and white would be a neat contrast with the color of the walls and it would match her bedding. Just an idea~ I am a huge 'picture fan' so that is why I suggested that:-)I love Hobby Lobby too---they have the best stuff!!
oops--i meant to say, I agree with Ann on having many options with ideas for the 'ledge'~
LB, I love your robin's egg blue and black/white idea. Great! When I saw the picture with the ledge, I immediately envisioned a big canvas painting or tapestry hanging down from the ledge. It's too high to really "decorate" so I would just draw the onlooker's attention "down" to the bed level. You could hang curtains from a rod at the ledge - drapes in a complimentary blue color. Or, you could use ribbon to hang a large canvas from the ledge - to do it on the cheap, buy a large canvas from Hobby Lobby and cover it with fabric. I have done this and it looks great. Just some ideas to get your creative juices flowing...
I really like both of the colors, I guess it's depends on which way you wanna go - more blue or more blue/green. I think with the black and white, I would go with the robin's egg blue. As for the ledge, I really like the idea above of the black and white pics or just some really cool coordinating accessories.
thanks for all the feedback!!
Laura, I would love to know the name of the paint color.
Ashley, love the fabric on canvas idea. I have already been looking around online for fabric. I think I may do that for other rooms in my house!! Bargain art. Love it.
And of course, I love the black and white photos idea. I do already have little cartoon black and white animal prints from anthropologie that I am going to frame in black.
I like the one by the crib too... for some reason, the one by the frame looked too much like aqua instead of true robins egg blue. I love the black and white photo idea, in some oversized frames with matting! I think the room is going to be great!
I have no idea how I ended up on your blog:) But, it is fun nonetheless!! Have you thought about wooden painted letters maybe black spelling her name? Of course Hobby Lobby has them :)
Hey, how did Ada's room turn out? I just spotted your post (from last year). My name is Ada as well AND I am a professional interior decorator so needless to say I was intrigued when I spotted the blog with the title "Help me decorate Ada's room". I would love to see pics of how Ada's room turned out and of course please feel free to let me know if you need current interior decorating tips.
Warm Regards, Ada
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