Monday, October 13, 2008

Menu Planning Monday on a Friday afternoon

As always, I am actually typing this on Friday with plans to post on Sunday. It has become my Friday routine. It's how I figure out the details of my Friday afternoon Kroger trip. Ada is asleep, my coupons have been clipped and examined, the store circulars perused, and I am ready to make the week's menu. Remember the focus this week is simple--no McDonald's and at least one or two veggies. I am trying to be realistic about what I can actually accomplish. If this time next Friday we have all had at least one something healthy, well then it's a better week than last.
Okay, it is now 9:43 on Friday night. Ada is once again asleep, Scott is playing x-box, and I am finally getting back to the task at hand--cutting the grocery bill one week at a time. This week I am trying something new--The Grocery Game. For now, I have joined with only Kroger's list, but I am contemplating adding the CVS list as well because these are the two main stores I frequent. I planned to make a switch to Publix, but when I went for the first time last week I found out that the Publix nearest me is closing. Sad, sad day. Anyway...I will report back about the Grocery Game after tomorrow's Kroger trip. I have high hopes of all the money I will save.(see previous post for savings)

And here it is, this week's menu.

Friday night--Scott requested that we go to Fuddrucker's for a burger, and I heartily agreed. It is a rare day that Scott suggests we eat out, so I jumped on board the second he mentioned it. The price was a little steep considering we didn't split, but hopefully the numbers will all work out anyway.

Saturday--the fam. is coming into town. Ann and the cousins will be joining us in the morning and my parents will be joining us late tomorrow after the Auburn game. It's a big weekend for us because Ada will be baptized on Sunday. More on that later, though. As for dinner, well I don't know for sure yet. I'll get back to you.

Sunday--Ann and mom will be cooking Sunday lunch for everyone. I think lasagna is on the menu. I anticipate Sunday's dinner being a grab whatever you can find kind of thing. I imagine we will be quite full from lunch.

Monday--everyone returns home, and it's back to the normal day to day. Here is where the real menu begins. New recipe tonight from Southern Living, Cheesy Vegetable Chowder. I am counting on leftovers out of this one. I will most likely make some biscuits to go with the chowder.

Tuesday--leftovers or a Macaroni Grill boxed meal kit. I have a coupon, and it's at its lowest price at Kroger. I hope it's good. We will eat broccoli as a side.

Wednesday--Another Southern Living soup recipe, Easy Potato Sausage Soup. Again, I will most likely make some cornbread to eat with this.

Thursday--leftovers or possibly Wendy's value menu chili. It's tutoring/discipleship night, and I have to cook something SUPER easy. Thursdays look like this. Scott barely makes it home in time for me to get out the door and to tutoring by 5:00. I then make it back to my house at the same time as the women coming for discipleship, so dinner needs to be something we can all do on our own. We are still figuring this out.

And that concludes the dinners for the week.

Lunches--pasta salad (added protein pasta), lean pockets (sale + coupons), canned progresso and campbell's soup (lots and lots and lots of coupons for this)

breakfast--peanut butter toast, yogurt, grits, eggs

snacks--multi-grain cheerios (Ada), stove popped popcorn (me!!),

Here is where you will find other yummy menus for the week.


Katy said...

I like the way you set up your post for MPM. Your Menu sounds great!

Ashley Turnbull said...

LB, tell me more about the protein pasta. I'm looking for things I can take for lunch besides PBJ. I need some things that add a little health and variety to my lunches at work!

Stephanie said...

Your menu plan looks pretty good. I am really into soups myself right now. As a matter of fact, I use my crock pot A LOT for those "gotta eat whenever" nights. My girls have started swim lessons at 5:30 PM once a week. We get home AT dinner time and there is no time to say "let me cook something." I make more than just soups, but it is such a great tool to help me get dinner ready when my family is ready but I don't have much time.

LB said...

Ashley, I think it's Barilla pasta plus. I think that is the right brand. In the pasta section, it's a yellow box, and it has plus in the name. The plus is, of course, the protein. I have never been a pasta salad person because of the blood sugar thing, so this pasta plus is such a great find!! And maybe the same price as normal pasta?