Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How the Kroger Pharmacist Made My Day

As I have previously mentioned, the most common question I have experienced since my little red-headed Ada was born is, "where did she get that red hair?" And as I have previously mentioned, I HATE this question. I always politely reply that my hair is in fact red, it has just darkened over the years, but on the inside I am thinking not such nice things. Well, today I had to run into Kroger to pick up a prescription, and of course Ada was on my hip because she is my little sidekick. The pharmacist was talking to her, making her laugh, etc., etc., and he said, mark it down, "you have your mom's pretty red hair." I stopped what I was doing, looked up at him with a HUGE grin on my face, and said, "she does indeed!!" I wanted to jump over that counter and give this sweet old southern man the hugest hug. It may not be obvious to all, but there are a few out there who look at my daughter and know EXACTLY where that red hair came from.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I think the red hair might have been what kept me from thinking Ada looked like Scott and instead more like you. So I'm there with the pharmacist!