Sunday, September 27, 2009

So tired.

We rolled back into our neighborhood at 9:00ish tonight, and proceeded to unload the car, get Ada into the bath tub and begin the bed time routine.

It is now 10:45, and Ada is still awake. She has a bug bite that is driving her nuts--bless her heart--and every time we think she is calmed down, she begins to cry hysterically again. I am dying to go to bed, so I am hoping sleep takes over soon.

The reunion has come and gone, and I was sort of a party pooper. The only thing I went to all weekend was the family picnic on Saturday afternoon. You see...I had big plans to go to the main event on Saturday night, but my pregnant self really just wanted to stay in my pajama pants, lie on Ann's bed, and watch the Auburn game, so I chose the latter. I reasoned with myself that I had talked to several people at the picnic, and I would be no fun at the party anyway because I was so tired. I really do hit a brick wall everyday around 7:00 pm, and it is hard for me to do much else but lounge around after that. It was fun to catch up with people at the picnic though, plus one of my close college friends and bridesmaids happened to marry a friend of mine from high school, and I had not seen her in two years, so I was especially excited to catch up with her. And she wasn't even a class mate. Ha.

I will be back tomorrow (maybe, tomorrow is three children day) to share about the rest of the weekend, and stay tuned because Tuesday we will announce if this little munchkin is a boy or a girl. I can hardly stand to wait for two more days. I so hope the baby cooperates and gives the camera a clear view. I think we have decided on both a girl and a boy name (the girl name is still a bit up in the air), so we will most likely announce that as well. And I have no feeling either way. After being so certain that Ada was a boy, I just can't decide what I think this baby will be.

Anyway, this post is rather pointless, really, but I wanted to stop by and say hi since I have been away all weekend.

Talk to you tomorrow, friends:)


Laura Forman said...

I totally understand about wanting to lounge around in pjs after 7 pm!!! I wanted to tell you, our computer crashed last week and I kept thinking, how am I going to find out if LB is having a girl or boy on Tuesday?? I figured my solution was to call my mom and get her to check my blog...thankfully our friends are letting us borrow their computer, so I will be here waiting with anticipation to know what this one will be :)

Rachel said...

I am a party pooper as well, and I am not even pregnant! Good for you for lounging! I CANNOT wait until Tuesday. I am still thinking BOY- but we'll see!