See the plan is this--if this growing baby is a girl, she will move right into what is now Ada's nursery, and we won't change a thing. I will buy some wooden letters to spell out her (yet to be decided) name, so there will be a personal touch. If it's a boy, I am hoping to switch my bedding with my mom, who still has the original bedding we bought for Ada--green with white elephants, and we will paint the walls, probably a brown. Everything else will stay the same. But more on that later.
The big deal will be Ada's room, mainly because it will stay her room as long as we are in this house.
Here is my vision
this bed from Ikea (with a rail on the side, which will hopefully contain Ada--wishful thinking)

I also dream of buying a very comfy glider for the baby's room, where I will nurse and rock and even sleep if needed, but that may not make its way into the budget.
When Ada was a newborn, there was a double bed in her room, and I could just crawl in that bed during our late night, early morning, around the clock feeding/comforting sessions. This baby will not have a bed in his/her room, so I dream of a glider so comfy I can sleep in it--and nurse and rock the baby all at the same time. We'll see what happens.
In the mean time, Scott and I still need to purchase a queen mattress and box spring, as we continue to sleep on a double mattress on a queen bed. We have a double bed sitting in the garage that we will use in the office/guest room if we ever buy the queen set. Are you following me? I want all the extra sleeping space possible to entice the grandmothers to come and stay with me after the baby is born. I welcome any and all help during the first month (or two or three). The nesting is kicking in--big time--and I get a little overwhelmed by it all. Will it all come together? We'll see. Thankfully, we have until February. Stay tuned.
it all sounds good to me!
we still have anna in a bassinet next to us 2.5 months later-- we hardly kept e in the room with us at all, but now i can nurse laying down, so it doesn't make sense to have to get out of bed and walk down the hall ;-)she is getting longer and longer stretches of sleep-- now she'll go 8 hours sometimes... eventually when i'm not getting up in the night often(and i'm not so lazy ;-) i'll move her to her room {she naps in there sometimes}... all that to say- i have great hopes that you will have success w/ nursing and master it laying down even-- then you won't have to sleep in your glider!
--by the way- when you aren't so miserably sick anymore, i'd love to visit...
Love the day bed! It all looks so cute!
The bedding you have your eye on is so presh! Did you ever get use out of the paint we gave y'all? Hope so!
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