Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Coupons and other ramblings

hey ya'll.

Good news is that I am feeling much better today. The past two days were the worst days of the pregnancy yet, and I prayed for relief. Relief is here. It is an absolute God thing that Ada was with my mom yesterday. Otherwise, we both would have been up a creek. And the report from home is that she hasn't even mentioned me. Who needs mom and dad when you have cousins and aunts and a huge fenced in backyard to play with?

Anyway...as I am feeling more normal today, I am straightening the house a bit, and I ran across some formula coupons that I received in the mail last week. One is for eleven dollars off of Nestle Good Start. Ann would you want this? I probably should have called you first before typing this;) Anyway, if anyone wants this, please e-mail me, laura_rhodes@hotmail.com, and I will send it your way. I would buy it for myself and the munchkin on the way, but I am fully trusting the Lord that this baby is going to be a champion nurser and we won't even need formula. I'm not kidding. I have a peace about it. I may be wrong, and we will cross that bridge when we get there, but for now, I am assuming that we will spend most of that first year nursing away. No five months of struggling for us--I am praying that this baby latches on like a champ right from the start, that my body produces milk like it's my job (because it is!!!), and that there is minimal pain. Sorry if that is too much nursing info. for anyone, but I am praying my little heart out about this on a daily basis. Again, the Lord may say no, and that's okay, but I am moving forward with confidence!!

In the mean time, an 11.00 coupon is too good to go to waste, so please, e-mail me, and I will send it to you. For now, I am getting off the couch, getting in the shower, and I am getting out of the house. I joked with Scott that I was going to have bed sores after staying all. day. long on the couch yesterday, so I am out of here. And tomorrow is the big ultrasound day, followed by a dinner date with Scott. That is, if I am not too sick to eat;)

1 comment:

Ashley said...

So glad you're feeling better! I should have thought to see if just us girls could have gotten together for a brunch today while the wild man was at school and Ada at your parents. I've been a bit crazy getting my Etsy.com site together! Hope all goes fabulously at the Dr. tomorrow!