Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I turned 27 today. 27 years old--only 3 more birthdays until 30.

Yesterday I asked Scott if I look 30 because I feel 21. I think that I will eternally feel 21. It was just a few short years ago that I was walking the halls of Pebblebrook when I was mistaken for a student. I had to show my teacher id to avoid detention. But, it's hard to tell what I look like now.

The budget is tight these days. Tighter than usual, I mean, because of traveling and Ada's birthday and that annoying root canal and the sickness that took over our lives during first trimester, so Scott and I really planned to do nothing for my birthday. I did tell Scott that I was going to pick up some canned Pillsbury cinnamon rolls at Kroger and stick a candle in one. It's all I really wanted. I adore those things. Scott kept saying that he wished we could do something more, and I kept saying that it really didn't matter--and, truthfully, it didn't. I wasn't worried about it.

This morning, Scott hurried off to work, having slept through the alarm, and Ada and I began our day as usual. Then, 20 minutes later, the door bell rang. There stood Scott, flowers in one hand and a can of cinnamon rolls in the other. I was shocked and concerned about how late he was for work. And then the surprise came--he took the day off!!!!

Now that is my kind of birthday present.

Ada and I had been facing what could have been a very long day. We had no plans, not one, and I wasn't sure how we were going to fill the hours. And then, Scott came home, and all of a sudden, things were looking up. It's been a simple birthday, not much different than every other day, except that I didn't have to parent alone. I had company, and that made the day special.

Funny how our birthday wishes change once we turn into grown ups. Do you agree?


Ashley Turnbull said...

That is the BEST story I have heard all week! Scott...what a HUBBY! The perfect gift! I know y'all enjoyed your day fun!

Suehaad said...

I totally agree! Recently we had our anniversary and I had no expectations and was happy with a card. In fact, I was so tired, I was really hoping we WOULDN"T go out. Ha!

I wish I had remembered it was your bday. Please forgive? Can we celebrate together tomorrow?

Jenny said...

How very sweet! And happy birthday!

All I wanted (and got) for my birthday this year was mulch for the garden. All my husband wanted was for the money I would have spent on him to get put on one of our bills!

It IS very funny how we view birthdays and holidays as we get older!

Amanda said...

Way to go Scott!! That is a great idea! Happy Birthday! I will always feel 21 too but sometimes i hope that still look it. Probably not :(

Jessica said...

That's such a sweet story! I love it! Glsd to hear your day was a good one!!

Bethany said...

I agree with you on how our priorities change as we get older. ;) I'm glad Scott was able to still surprise you for your birthday and you had a great day!

Rachel said...

I love that story! That is great. Happy Birthday! You certainly don't look 27... I didn't think you were older than me. I hit the big 2-7 in November... things have changed so much since those college days. My 25th bday was a big wake up call for me b/c that was the day I found out I was pregnant with Wyatt... talk about a reality check!

Hollen said...

Aww, that is so sweet!