Friday, April 24, 2009

Crimping Iron Update

One, it made me feel better to hear that others had never heard of such a thing. I envisioned the whole world crimping their hair every morning as I unknowingly straightened mine. Good to know that is not the case. I kid:)

Second, the crimper just arrived about 30 minutes ago. It was perfect timing, really, because Ada was down for a nap, so I was able to immediately tear into the package. I plugged it in, waited the appropriate amount of time, and I then attempted to "wave" my hair.

I am somewhat unimpressed. I am thinking I should have paid more than 13.00 for the crimper. I learned a long time ago that in order to straighten my hair, I have to pay the big bucks for a flat iron or my hair will laugh at the iron's attempt to tame it. I am not sure I am willing to pay much for a crimper.

My camera battery is currently charging, so I can hopefully post a picture soon. The wave is so slight that I am not even sure you will be able to see it. I am not giving up on it, though. I did flat iron my hair this morning (despite the advice of the young hair stylist), so maybe it will work better without being straightened first. I'll keep you posted.

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