Friday, April 24, 2009

Just in case you were wondering

Because I am loving this "conversation" we are having about what is hip and un-hip, I am here to share a few more secrets with you.

In case you were wondering, I have a few inside sources. It's true, I have two college-age sisters who keep me "in the know," and I have two friends who are on staff at Auburn with college ministries. Unfortunately one will soon be moving overseas to Hong Kong, but I am thinking that Hong Kong is pretty cutting edge when it comes to fashion. We will soon find out, I suppose.

Well, one of my "inside sources" is my dear friend, Amy, who I just spent a few hours with when I was unexpectedly stranded in Auburn. Well, one day we were driving and talking about the changing fads in the guy world, and she told me something very shocking. She said that the new trend among the artsy college guys is to buy and wear girl jeans!!!!! When she first told me this, I assumed she meant that guys wore jeans that look like girl jeans. No, what she meant was that a guy walks into Gap and buys a pair of jeans from the girl section. Is your jaw dropping to the floor in much the same way that mine did? I couldn't get over this for a while, and I kept going over it with her to make sure I understood. So, that is the most shocking of the college fads, and I am thankful that Scott is not that hip because I prefer his baggy boy jeans, thank you very much.

Okay, Katie B., being quite hip herself, is my other non-college student inside source, and she actually first introduced me to the concept of an emo. I am thinking that emos are the very ones who might wear the girl jeans. I had lots of questions for her about emos, and I still don't fully understand. I get emos and goths mixed up a bit. But it is my understanding that emos are less "dark" than goths. (Katie herself is not an emo, she just knows about them.)

What we have above, is a picture of an guy who is an Emo. And for all we know, he might actually be wearing girl jeans--two trends in one.

Update: Scott just informed me that Emos are old news. Sorry to imply that they are a new trend. How Scott knows this, I have no idea.

And of course, I have my younger sisters, who provide very valuable information when it comes to fashion and "hipness" in general. Just this past Easter weekend, Sarah informed me that short nails with chipped finger nail polish is a new trend. I am not sure if it has made it's way to Auburn yet, but it is apparently sweeping the celebrity circles. I will easily be able to accomplish that trend without even trying. It goes hand in hand with motherhood, I do believe.

So there you have it. If I think of more I will add them. You just thought I knew a lot about couponing, now I am also your number one source for fashion and all things cool. Again, I kid, I kid;)

And please, if you know some of the latest trends, enlighten me. I would be most grateful.


Suehaad said...

i heard it's really trendy to twist your hair and suck your thumb (with chipped nail polish) in public. have you heard that too? if so, is it just cool for college students or sahm's too? i can't figure out what we are supposed to adapt as a sahm and then what is the cutoff age?

rhodes1 said...

These recent posts make me laugh really hard, and I have so many comments I want to make. First though, I went to sleep with my hair wet and Rachel told me I look like Ada! Haha. While I disagree, she actually said she liked it.

About the whole emo issue, I feel like that is more of a high school thing. They're supposed to be really sad and dark, and while they do wear the girl jeans, there are also probably plenty of guys who wear girl jeans and aren't emo. Especially around the art department.

Finally, I had heard of the crimper but none of my friends use one. I do feel like that look is in style for sure though, but the straight look still works too. So, there's my college student imput :)

Jessica said...

let me know when the stretch pants, with stirups, come back in style. Those are AWESOME.

Katie B said...

haha... thanks for the shout-out in this one... fyi emo is an adjective for the most part ;) one small hope i have for being in HK is that it will make me a more consistent blogger and more in touch w/ trends... i will say there is less "pressure" to be straight and sleek... and it's kinda like the goal is to look natural... almost the "it takes no effort for me to look this good" look... daily hairwashing is going out and thus the crimped look because you can let that 'wave' happen... or whatever. (i'm assuming this would also be appealing to the sahm? haha.) what even do i know... call ME next time you're stranded in Auburn, k?! love!

Amy said...

I think scene kids are worse then emo.

There is scene, emo, indie, punk rock

To much to keep up on with slight differences.

(on the side hit choose a scenester)
Luckily since I am so young, all my friends keep me up to date of everything. Most of it though I would be better off not knowing