Monday, October 5, 2009

A little sickly

It's been a doozy of a day. I woke up with a little tingle in my throat, which I tried to fix with a cup of hot tea.

However, as the day went on, I realized it was not to be cured that easily.

And I think the two kiddos below sensed that I was not up to par. At one point in the day, I found Ada completely naked jumping from the coffee table to the couch and back to the floor, as if she was doing an obstacle course. I don't why she chose to do this naked. I don't know why she chooses to do half of what she does.

At another point in the day, Hannah began to yell from the top of the stairs, "Laura Beth, Ada is going to fall down the stairs." At first I didn't pay much attention, but Hannah continued to yell, so I decided I should check it out. Good thing. Ada was perched at the top of the stairs, on top of her little fisher price fire truck, ready to ride that thing to the bottom of the stairs. Oh this child. Will I survive? Thank you, Hannah, for alerting me to the situation!!
And since I mentioned the belly comments, I thought I would share an updated picture. Has it changed much since the last one? I can't tell.
And here I am back in July when things first started to grow.Finally, for a point of reference (considering I am only about halfway through this thing), here I am on the way to the hospital to have Ada. (After about two days of no sleep, by the way, thanks to a little thing I like to call labor taking its sweet time).Now, at 8:30 pm, I am headed to bed, hoping that a good night's sleep will nip this sickness in the bud.


rhodes1 said...

all of that is hilarious! plus, i really do not think you look as big as your post led on... you look great :)

Bethany said...

WOW! YOU BETTER GET TO THE HOSPITAL! YOU ARE ABOUT TO POP!! No, seriously, you don't look as large as I had imagined either. You look great!!!!

Mary Ann said...

Thanks for the pictures!!! Oh, that Ada, what are we going to do with her? I plan to be in S'boro halloween weekend, so at last I can see Ada (oh, yeah, and you and Scott, too, and almost John).

I fear you are getting a cold. Take care of yourself!!

Love you.

rhodes1 said...

that first comment wasn't me, must have been kate. however, she and i were sitting on my couch dying laughing as we imagined little naked Ada jumping from table to couch to floor. and i agree, you aren't as big as i was expecting.

Hollen said...

LOL I love the Ada stories!! :)