Sunday, October 25, 2009


I continue to feel more and more pregnant. You know--my back hurts, I'm tired, it's hard to sleep at night, etc. etc., and John is moving more and more. I really don't think he moves as much as Ada did, but maybe I am not as aware. Hmmm...who knows. I love when he moves. It's that little bit of connection I get to have before he arrives. My little boy:)

I am tired tonight.

Yesterday I went to the wedding of a dear friend. Her wedding was outside at Lake Martin, and it was quite cold. Laura is a very outdoorsy, casual, sporty kind of girl, so her bridesmaids were barefoot. Many guests were in coats and scarves, and the bridesmaids were in strapless, knee length dresses and bare foot. Luckily the reception was mostly indoors.

Laura was stunning. Absolutely stunning. She is very tall and very skinny, and her dress was very fitted. It was perfect for her. Oh my word. I couldn't help but wish I had looked half that good on my wedding day. She looked like actresses look on their wedding day. But I noticed as the stunning bride walked back down the aisle after the ceremony was over that she had on her signature brown rainbow (sp?) flip flops. I loved it. It was so very Laura. I wish I had a picture.

During the wedding I left Scott and Ada in Auburn watching Alabama football. By the time I got back to Auburn, the Alabama game went off, we grabbed dinner, and we made it back to Atlanta, it was very, very late. All of that to say that I am a bit exhausted on this Sunday night.

We woke up to no heat, and we were extra tired after a late night, so we didn't make it to church. Right now our heat is running, so we are crossing our fingers that today was just a fluke, and the heat really is working.

I feel like this post is rather rambling and pointless. Hmmm...why did I write this? Maybe so that you can all pray that our heat has miraculously fixed itself? Thank you, Lord, if that is the case!! And if not, I trust that he will provide the funds to get it fixed. If you are still reading, thank you my loyal friends;)


6kids4me said...

Hi, I started reading your blog because I too have a little girl named Ada. She will be three in January. I really love your blog and how you are so real!! We all have great days, and bad days, and just ordinary days. Thank you for sharing! I just wanted to say thank you for putting up the cooking stuff that you got for "your" Ada. I just know that my Ada will love it too. I just ordered them from Amazon. Again, thank you.


Elizabeth said...

You Looked Gorgeous on your wedding day!
You're in trouble for even saying that. I might have to pinch you when you get to Scottsboro. :-)
Love, MOM

LB said...

Ann--thanks for stopping by!! I hope your Ada does enjoy the food items. Ada has played with the cookie set at a friends house, and she loves them, so I am hoping it will all be a hit!!