What we have above, is a picture of an guy who is an Emo. And for all we know, he might actually be wearing girl jeans--two trends in one.
Update: Scott just informed me that Emos are old news. Sorry to imply that they are a new trend. How Scott knows this, I have no idea.
And of course, I have my younger sisters, who provide very valuable information when it comes to fashion and "hipness" in general. Just this past Easter weekend, Sarah informed me that short nails with chipped finger nail polish is a new trend. I am not sure if it has made it's way to Auburn yet, but it is apparently sweeping the celebrity circles. I will easily be able to accomplish that trend without even trying. It goes hand in hand with motherhood, I do believe.
So there you have it. If I think of more I will add them. You just thought I knew a lot about couponing, now I am also your number one source for fashion and all things cool. Again, I kid, I kid;)
And please, if you know some of the latest trends, enlighten me. I would be most grateful.
So, here's what I am thinking. I want a single curtain panel on each window--something in the brown family, maybe. I plan to hang the rods high to draw the eye up because our downstairs ceilings are rather low. I also would like to have matching floor lamps on either side of the couch. Does that sound good to ya'll? If so, what color shades am I going for? Would it be better to have a table on either end of the couch with a table lamp on each? Thoughts, anyone? I am looking at the couch as I type, and I am really leaning towards a floor lamp on each end of the couch. Hmmm...what should those look like, I wonder?
Oh, and finally, what do you picture above the couch? I have the painting that I mentioned below, the one that Sarah did. I originally planned for it to go above the couch, but I am wondering if it should go over the fire place. Hmmm... It is currently hanging in the guest room. Hold on, I will take a picture.
Okay, never mind. Picasa is giving me all sorts of trouble, so it's looking like no more pictures today. Hopefully, I can come back later with more pictures.
Final questions--where can I find affordable, but nice looking, lamps? And curtains for the windows? I want something basic. Maybe I can find some example pictures online.
Obviously, we need to finish painting--when that will happen, I don't know. Probably not until summer because for now there is just not time. This week would be the week, but I really need to focus on cleaning before I can focus on painting.
Okay, so other obvious things--some sort of window treatments and a bigger coffee table. Here is the question about the coffee table. Until we can purchase a bigger one, should I do away with a coffee table all together, and find another use for the table we are currently using? Or should I just make the smaller one work?
Next question. I would love to do some sort of buffet or longer table underneath the window to the kitchen. You know, the area beside the love seat. Again, however, I cannot purchase that right now, but I am not sure if I am liking the small square table beside the love seat. What do you think? And finally about that area, should I take down the black frames and replace them with a big picture? I have an antique map of England that I could hang there instead. What do you think?
Okay, I have more questions, but Ada is losing it, and I need to get ready to go to the library, so I will be back later to discuss this some more. Any and all thoughts are welcome.