Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ada's birthday gift

We are closing in on Ada's second birthday, which I can't believe, and I have plans going in my head. I am not planning anything big because she will still be excited over balloons and elmo, and that's all we need really.

I will actually be in Alabama for the last of my dental work (had to put it off while I made my way through first trimester), so I think we might do a little party at my parents' house and then at Scott's parents' house, and that will be enough celebrating for us.

The big birthday hoopla is the gift.

We bought Ada a tiny little kitchen for Christmas, and it's a sad, pitiful excuse for a kitchen. We like to think of it as her starter kitchen. We decided that if she played with it, we would upgrade for her second birthday. Well, she does play with it. And she plays with other friends' toy kitchens when she has the chance, so we do think we need to invest in a good one. I had my heart set on a cute, wooden kitchen so that it would look good in her room and be more than just another plastic toy.

Well, here is what I have my eye on.

I thought that red was very gender neutral in case any brothers come along in the future. Plus, red is just so darn cute, I think.

Well, this wooden kitchen is 125.00 on Amazon, plus 10.00 shipping. Already a good price for a wooden kitchen. But, I plan to use swagbucks to get quite the discount. So far, I can take 35.00 off the price, so that gets us down to 100.00. Well, I really don't have to order until August 1st, so I have a month left to collect those "bucks."

And you can help me. Go here to sign up for swagbucks. Use the swagbucks page just like you use google, and you can win points for doing everyday stuff. Then you can trade your points in for gifts cards to places such as Amazon, Target, or Starbucks. Plus, if you sign up under me, I win points when you win points.

So, start searching!!


Ashley said...

What a presh little kitchen! I hope that when we are blessed with a second child, it will be a girl, so I'll have fun things like that! :)

Oh, and to reply to a comment you had previously left me--I would LOVE to make Ada a birthday shirt! I'm also working on birthday hats too! Just email me what you would love to have for her, and I'll send you a design back.

Rachel said...

Hey LB- There is a post that I am dying for you to do- I remember some time ago, Ada was baptised... and you mentioned that you would do a post on why you decided to have her baptised/dedicated... Did you ever do that post? I have been curious as to whether you were glad you made that decision, why, and if baby Moore #2 will be baptised. PUH-LEASE do a post on this :)

Jessica Morris said...

Cute kitchen!
And great idea to use swagbucks - I would sign up under you to help you out, but I already have an account! Sorry! Good luck with earning more in the next month tho! :)