Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sick, so sick

I am a bit miserable, ya'll.

I keep repeating to myself, as I struggle with the constant nausea, "this is a good sign. It means that things are going the way that they are supposed to be going." Right?

But, please, you moms who have been right where I am. Any advice? I can't remember feeling this sick with Ada. I think I was on Christmas break from teaching (a whole two weeks!!) during the worst of it, and I must have slept right through it. Or God, in his wisdom, caused me to forget, so that I would decide that I wanted to have another child.

But seriously, I will try anything for a little relief. Help me.


Ashley said...

I was sick every single time I would eat from 6 weeks to 16 weeks, with little to no reprieve. NOTHING kept me from getting sick. The only thing that remotely helped was small meals throughout the day, the preggy pops/candy from Motherhood (though I think hard candy in general helps) and ginger ale. I wanted to try REAL ginger, or at least crystalized ginger, in tea. Ginger is a proven stomach soother, and surprisingly, ginger ale doesn't have any I don't believe. Oh and just knowing what you already stated, that everything is "working" like it should. :)

So long story short, go with the ginger first. I'm sure you can find a great ratio/recipe on-line!

Jenny said...

I'm feeling your pain, girl! (More on that later...)

Here's my two (or three) cents:

Try just taking folic acid instead of a prenatal vitamin, many times the large amount of iron makes morning sickness worse than it is. I tried that today and feel 90% better. My dr. said to just take the folic acid until the 12 week mark, then go back on the prenatal vitamin. I found folic acid for $2 for 250 tablets.

I force myself to eat a bowl of crackers every two hours, whether or not I'm hungry. It's bland, and helps soak up some of those nasty juices sloshing around down there.

And of course, try the ginger (the real stuff, like a ginger tea) and those SeaBands that use acupressure on your wrists.

Hang in there! (And look for an exiting blog post from me in a week or two :) )

Anonymous said...

Eat something sour, like sour breath mints. Fortunately i wasn't sick with either of mine, but Jana was very sick with John Will. Sour mints always helped her. She asked her dr about it and he agreed that sour stuff helped with nausea. And yes, it's a good sign!


Carrie said...

I was sick all 35 weeks with Noah. I went on medicine which really helped! Otherwise I loved old fashioned lemon drops (cracker barrel) and keeping something on my stomach at all times. Crackers or whatever I could stomach. Eating right away was key. And the ginger thing helped me as well. I'm so sorry! I wouldn't wish morning (or in most cases all day)sickness on anyone!! Hopefully it will fade away soon!

Bethany said...

My sister said she would keep a can of sprite and saltines at her bedside. Before she would even move her head, she would shove them in her mouth and take a sip (not sure how, but it worked) of the sprite. It helped her ease into the day. I'm sorry you're so sick. Let me know if I can help out in anyway. I can always come get Ada and bring her over to play while you take a nap. Just let me know. :)

Anonymous said...

I used Lemon Heads candies with my first, which for some reason really really worked. Little did I know that THAT nausea was nothing compared to what I had with my next two (which were boys, BTW!) I actually begged my midwife for a zofran prescription. It's what we use at work (I'm a chemotherapy infusion nurse) and it's really super expensive, but if you have a good insurance plan, it might be worth asking for. They even disolve on your mouth, so you don't have to swallow them! Your midwife might try to offer you phenergan (sp) because it's a lot cheaper, but let me warn you- it will put you to SLEEP. Seriously, knocked out. At least for me. Hang in there!

Ann said...

Wintergreen lifesavers helped a little.

The Murphrees said...

The thing that worked better than medicine for me was wintergreen peppermints. Not the lifesaver version but the wintergreen peppermint discs. I wish I had had them from the being. I hope things get better for you soon! I will be praying for you. BTW if you want the preggie pop drops I am more than happy to mail them to you. Kyle's aunt sent me some but by the time I got them I was feeling better. Just send me your address if you want them.

Rachel said...

Try those Sea band things- I never got them with Wyatt, but I was terribly ill. I can't imagine how hard it must be with little Ada running around. Maybe your having a boy since you are so sick this time around!

Rachel said...

Oh ZOPHRAN!! Glorious, glorious Zomphran. Ask your doctor now fpr a prescription. It doesn't make you sleepy, and it got me through the first 16 weeks. I almost forgot about that.

Rachel said...

Okay, last comment I promise- Zofran now has a generic, so it is much more affordable. Go get it now :)

Lindsey said...

Hey Laura Beth - I found your blog from Ashley's and Carrie's and thought I'd say Hi! I was miserably sick 24 hours a day when I was pregnant with my twin boys (I used to lay on the couch and pray to go to sleep because that's the only way I got relief) - I got a prescription for the Zofran that someone else recommended and it is totally worth it's weight in gold!!! It's absolutely the only way I functioned through the first 18 weeks of my pregnancy - you should definitely ask about it! I don't know how I could have functioned with a toddler already at home.

Lindsey said...

Oh, and supposedly a "real" Coke has a natural anti-nausea ingredient - they give it to a lot of patients in recovery after surgeries. Some days,I could sip on a little bit of one and it really would help.

Elizabeth said...

LB, that's the name, Zofran, and last summer, they did have generic, finally, so it cuts down on the cost. Remember? When I had the kidney infection? I'd definitely call the doctor's office and ask for it.

Agree with the Gingerale and the crackers and haven't heard of the sour candy, but makes sense. I'd get that stuff, pronto!

MOM - see you Monday.

Kathy said...

Here from SC - I follow your blog thanks to my friend Rachel in AL. I haven't read it in so long and I am SO thrilled for you! I have 2 more suggestions for you (although Zofran proved to be a Godsend - literally) to take the nausea edge off. 1) sea bands - they're just wrist bands that apply pressure to a pressure point on your wrist [go figure] 2) Altoids make ginger mints - ginger is good for nausea. I wore the wrist bands when I was pregnant with my son (sick from 5-15 weeks) - I honestly don't know if they did a lick of good, but I wasn't willing to take them off and make the nausea worse if they were helping. I drank my weight in ginger ale and the ginger altoids were nice just to pop in if I felt a wave of nausea coming on. Best of luck!