Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The zofran story continues

so...the zofran prescription that I was given included two refills over the next month. They only gave me a two week supply. So, I have been taking the zofran every eight hours to ward off nausea which has worked somewhat.

Well, today at 3:00, my normal zofran time, I took the last of my supply, and I left the empty bag (they were in a plastic bag, not a normal pill bottle) for Scott to take to Rite Aid while I tutored.

Here is the bad news. Apparently insurance only covers the cost every 30 days. So, the pharmacy would be glad to fill my prescription if I am willing to cough up 500.00. We are not willing, obviously. I really, really, really wish that I had known this. I would have saved the zofran for absolute 100% emergencies, instead of the daily getting by.

So, tomorrow marks day one of no zofran. It ain't gonna be pretty.


Sarah Garner said...

Oh LB!!! I would have told you! :) You can make it, I know you can! I like Scott's blog about the plastic bag. I want a picture!

Carrie said...

There is a new generic, it came out the last few weeks of my pregnancy. I can't remember the name but I bet you could find it online. I know that I paid 120 for Zofran with insurance and then nine for the generic.

Jane Owens said...

Laura Beth, have you tried some regular saltine crackers and coke. Just nibble on them and sip some coke. It seems that when your stomach is so empty, it makes you more nauseated. I am so sorry you are so sick. I was that way with both Ashley and Taylor. Not only did food make me sick but colors too! We sold our car because the color made me sick. Maybe you can laugh at that! All I can say is do what you have to do. For me, when I was pregnant with Taylor, I stayed on the couch and just tried to keep Ashley from hurting herself! :) This will pass and you will be enjoying a sweet little baby in no time!

zoe said...

just a thought-if your doctor prescribes you a new zofran dosage, then your insurance would probably fill it because it views it as a new drug prescription. i don't know how zofran works, but if you were, say taking 100 mgs per dosage, they could prescribe you 200 mgs and you could just split it in half so that you are still taking the same amount, but have worked around the insurance red tape. it is at least worth a call to the dr.

btw, i love your blog and appreciate your "realness"!:)

6kids4me said...

Have you talked to your doctors office about this? Maybe they have samples or some other medication that insurance would cover.

zoe said...

oh! i meant to say that i have had to do that with several prescriptions in the past (having to work around insurance red tape with the drs). the drs are usually cool with it. i think they dislike the red tape more than we do. you just tell them your issue and they will figure something out. the only time they are hesitant is if it is a controlled substance/narcotic.

i have friends that swear by the glory of the zofran!

Jenny said...

My doctor prescribed Phenergan for me. I wonder if your doctor would prescribe that for you, it would be a different drug, so you should be able to get it, right?
It does make me sleepy, though, I take it at Andrew's nap time and in the evenings when my husband is home.
Hope it helps!

P.S. I am due Feb. 11th. Crazy, huh?!

Ashley Turnbull said...

You must call your doctor and tell him the situation. They are used to that...and I'm sure they can do something for you! Call them!!!! And, feel better...so sorry - wish I was there to help you out!

Anonymous said...

Blog stalker here again. The real name for zofran is ondansetron, so if you could ask for the generic, that's what it would be called. The normal dose is 4mg, but they make eights. Not a hundred percent sure how safe it would be to split those in half. The phenergan will make you super sleepy, but there's one more med we use for chemo, called compazine. Not even sure if it's safe in pregnancy, but it's a lot like phenergan, so it should be. We also use benadryl for nausea, believe it or not, that works with a lot of people. Yesterday was my last day or else I would offer you some samples! Hang in there!

Elizabeth said...

YES! Pursue the zofran. That's ridiculous! There is generic and I got it last summer and it was not expensive. Yes. Call your doctor. You know the saying, "The squeaky wheel gets the oil". But like Mother like daughter - we hate being the squeaky wheel. You follow your friends' advice about pursuing it. MOM
Post the outcome, please. I'm putting clean sheets on your bed today! That should spur you on.

Lindsey said...

I had the same thing happen to me, but I just called my doctor and asked him to call in a prescription for more pills because you pay the same copay whether there are 15 or 30... and my doctor actually called in Reglan (you take it regularly instead of just when you need it) and it worked wonders for me- and much cheaper!

Jenny said...

Hey LB!! No secrets anymore, I made my announcement on my blog :) We will def. have to compare notes!! Looks like the two of us will be keeping Sonic in business for the next 7 months :)