Sunday, June 28, 2009

I need a diaper deal

Do any of you know of a good diaper deal going on right now? Preferably on Huggies?

I normally have quite the stockpile of diapers, built up when prices were low and coupons were high, but in the midst of my first trimester stupor, our grocery budget is suffering quite the blow. And lo and behold, I find myself nearly out of diapers. It is painful to think of paying full price. Can you help me? I have searched the blogs, but I am seeing nothing. Am I missing something?

Ada needs the diapers because she has yet to actually use the toilet, though she loves to sit on it, and I am not in the mood to dig in my heels with the potty training. We will save that for the energy that comes with second trimester.


Jessica said...

I don't feel like there are a lot out there either! I feel like it's been that way for awhile...actually, either this week or next the Pampers Jumbo pack is $8.99 at CVS...not phenomenal but not awful. i'll keep my eyes open too.

Lauren said...

Hey I love reading your blog. I am also a stay-at-home mom to a my daughter Olivia (9 months) and a new baby due in December. I found a great diaper deal at K-Mart this week. Pampers big pack (the box) is $10. If you don't have a K- mart close by Wal-Mart will compare the price if you have the add from the Sunday paper.

Bethany said...

There is some sort of a Huggies deal going on at Rite Aid. It is lasting about a month, so just check out Common Sense with Money. She detailed it out. HTH.

The Henderson Family said...

Huggies has been letting me down lately!! I will say that Babies R Us had a deal in their flyer yesterday. It was save 7 dollars when you buy 2 big boxes of Huggies, but it didn't print the price, so I have to do a little more investigating. About a week ago, there was a post on baby cheapskate about a 2 dollar off coupon in a graco catalog. I printed this out (you might have seen it). Try and it should pull it up! You download the PDF and look through several pages until you see it. I am with you - do NOT pay full price, but these deals need to get better so I can stockpile!!

Deanna said...

Have you used Their prices are usually comparable to Wal-Mart, etc., but if you're a first-time customer, you can get $10.00 off your order. There are lots of codes available for the discount.

6kids4me said...

Do you have a Rite Aid near you? Money Saving Mom put up a deal for Huggies and Rite Aid. I didn't study the details because we don't have a Rite Aid but she seemed pretty happy with it. Check her out!

Jenny said...

Money Saving Mom has a huge Huggies deal on her website at RiteAid!

Good luck!

Amy said...

You just missed the Babies R Us 2 boxes for $35 dollars sale. I stocked up big time. I'll let you know when it happens again. Target is starting to repackage their baby brand with a new name- I wonder if the old one will go on sale...

Lulu said...

If you send me your mailing address, I would be more than happy to send you my Huggies coupons. I use Pampers, and usually leave my Huggies coupons in the grocery store for strangers to pick up. I'd rather "know" the person I'm giving them to.