Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pregnancy talk at Sonic

I was just at Sonic ordering the one thing I have found that I like this pregnancy--junior breakfast burritos. I know, gross. I used to think that too. Then on Sunday morning, I was starving, and I knew that I had mere minutes before the starvation turned to very, very sick, so I found myself at Sonic (the closest fast food to church), and the junior breakfast burrito was jumping out at me. And I scarfed it down, and it tasted so good to me. Again this morning, it hit the spot.

Last week I was telling Scott that not one thing tastes good to me right now, and then I found this little piece of Heaven at Sonic. I even figured out how many calories it has because I am trying to keep the weight gain under control this pregnancy. (Could I not gain 45 lbs this time around, please?), and I adjust the day's food accordingly. And at a dollar a burrito, it doesn't break the bank. Also, it has protein to fill me up. It's a miracle food, I tell you.

Anyway, the sweet carhop that brought me my breakfast was clearly pregnant. I was thinking that she was probably beginning her second trimester based on her obviously pregnant, but still small, tummy. We started chatting--you know the normal bonding that happens when two pregnant women see each other (I had to tell her that I was pregnant also. Don't worry I'm not showing yet), and she tells me that she is due in August. I was flabbergasted. I kept telling her how great she looked, and I truly was astonished at the size of her stomach, and it made me understand why the whole world was convinced I was having twins. Seriously, my stomach gets strangely large when I am pregnant. I used to think it was my height, but then my friend Amy Speakman, who is as short as me, had a normal sized tummy when she was pregnant, and I realized that I am just abnormal. Ann's stomach also gets uncomfortably large, so maybe it's in our genes?

You'll see. I'll be sure to post pictures as we move along, and you will be astonished at the ability my stomach has to grow and grow and grow.

pregnant with Ada, and I had several months to go.


Scott said...

The girls are doign the "arm pop" and this picture is 2+yrs old.

They were ahead of the curve.

Katie said...

I know exactly what you mean...I gained 50pounds with Jack. People could NOT take their eyes off of me. I heard, "your about to pop" for the last THREE months of pregnancy! That's pretty bad! You're going to do great though! I know it!

Jessica said...

But you look so cute...and as Scott noticed, I noticed as well the arms...wow, are you sure they weren't in your advanced class? :) Glad you found a food you like! Go junior burritos!! So funny!

Hollen said...

Oh yum!! I like Sonic's breakfast burritos!! :) LOL I haven't had one for a long time though. :) Aww..but you look so cute when you are pregnant! LOLLOL I am sure that you will do great!! :) Excited to keep reading and see pictures! LOL :)
P.S. I have been reading Scott's blog and OMG he reminds of Uncle Steve. I told Uncle Steve that on the phone yesterday (PLUS I got to talk to Ellie...too cute LOL) and he was like, "Wait, who's husband? Who?" LOL I was like...LAURA BETH ANN'S SISTER'S HUSBAND SCOTT!!! LOL Don't you get it? HAHA He finally did. :)

Amanda said...

haha. the girls were doing the arm pop! hilarious. maybe we are reallly behind the times. well i think you still looked cute pregnant!