Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The stomach bug hit again

Remember how we spent our Easter weekend?

Well, it happened again last night, but it wasn't nearly as disastrous. Perhaps because Ada wasn't throwing up all over the car or Target, or maybe it's just a different form of the virus. But, it still wasn't fun.

At about dinner time, it all started, so we ended up spending our evening with Ada switching between my lap and Scott's lap, as we watched "Praise Baby" over and over and over. I love praise music, but I can only listen to the same praise songs so many times in row, if you know what I mean. To add to the joy of it, Ada is in a stage where she asks, "what's that?" all day long about every single thing we come across. Sometimes she asks it about things she knows, and then I say, "you tell me what it is," and she gets really excited to tell me the answer.

Well, every new screen that popped up on the television, Ada asked, "what's that?" I love her and I respect that she was feeling bad, but I did think I might pull my hair out.

And I love my husband. He is a servant through and through, and he is such a hands on dad, and I am so blessed by that, but he does make decisions like a dad and not a mom. Let me explain.

Last night, we put Ada to bed before we realized she was suffering from a full-fledged virus, and we heard her over the monitor starting to cough, so Scott ran up there very quickly. By the time I got upstairs, I found him holding Ada over the bath tub, and there was a trail of vomit from her baby bed all the way to the tub--that entire trail is carpeted. Plus, it somehow ended up on the door frame and the wall. Now imagine if he had just left Ada in her bed until she finished throwing up? Then, we would have stripped her down and stripped her bed and washed everything really well, and that would have been the end of it. But, nooooo, instead we were scrubbing the carpet, the walls, the door frames, and other odd places in between. I understand Scott's reasoning--get her over the tub, and we will just rinse out the tub, but obviously, there just wasn't time for that. In the moment I was very much "in the flesh," and a bit frustrated with Scott, but he really had reasoning behind his decision, just not the same reasoning I would have used.

Ada seems to be in the clear, but selfishly I am really praying that Scott and I are spared the virus because I am supposed to go out of town early Friday morning to meet my girlfriends for a beach weekend. I am jumping up and down excited over this weekend, and it could possibly slip through my fingers at the last minute. I am willing that virus away;)

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