Monday, June 29, 2009

Headed to Bed Soon

It's been a doozy of a day.

Ann warned me that her sickness peaked at 8 weeks, and Wednesday marks eight weeks for me. I assume things would be much worse if I wasn't taking Zofran? Anyway, I definitely wished that I could "call in sick" today, but Ada wasn't buying it.

We did manage to make it to the library because poor little Ada seems bored out of her mind with me these days. She says a lot, "you okay, mommy?" in a voice usually only reserved for her dolls and baby Andrew. And I hug her and assure that yes, I truly am okay, that things are going just the way that they should be going.

The house is in complete disarray, and I managed to move my tutoring schedule around so that I could have the night off. I planned to go to bed when Ada did, but based on what I am hearing in the monitor, she has no plans of allowing that any time soon.

She is up there talking 90 to nothing, sayings things like, "mommy, where are you," and my favorite, "mommy, no mam, mommy," scolding me for making her go to sleep. I am sure I will go up there soon to find all 500 hundred stuffed animals thrown overboard along with her pants and possibly her diaper, but I have to wait long enough to make sure she gets all the energy out.

Scott and Ada are being troopers throughout this thing. I feel a bit useless as a wife and mom these days, and Scott is truly stepping up to the plate--cleaning the house, getting some form of dinner for him and Ada, letting me lounge around when he is at home--and I am so thankful. He is such a gift.

Okay, she is starting to ask, "Near, where are you?" so I better go calm things down.

p.s. thanks for all the diaper tips. I ended up going to Target b/c it was the easiest, and with a 3.00 coupon, I still got a decent deal. Our poor grocery budget, it is suffering bit time right about now.

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