Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tagged by Laura

Laura has tagged me to do a little "list thing," so here goes, and I am afraid that if I blogged about anything else it would come across as very "complainy" so this is a nice solution.

Things I am looking forward to:

1. Second Trimester ;)
2. Finding out if this baby is a boy or a girl
3. Mom, Ann, and her kiddos coming to visit me next week
4. The neighborhood pool getting finished--they have been faithfully working on it over the past few weeks (and are working as we speak), so I have high hopes
5. Ada falling asleep tonight--she has been fussing for the last hour, but she keeps waking up earlier and earlier, so we are reestablishing her 7:00 bedtime
6. Saturday--I love weekends at home with Scott and Ada
7. My pregnancy healthy eating book arriving in the mail
8. our lawn getting mowed this weekend--Scott put this stuff down to fill in blank patches, and he had to wait two weeks to mow to let it "settle" (or something like that), so I will be relieved when the yard is nice and neat again, and hopefully looking nice and healthy from the stuff Scott put down

Things I did yesterday

1. Went to the a local "farmer's market" off the square and bought lots of fresh vegetables. I love fresh tomatoes in the summer.
2. Woke up at 5:30 am and couponed after going to bed at 7:00 the night before (I was feeling awfully sick)
3. Ate dinner at Shane's Barbecue
4. Watched The Office on dvd with Scott after Ada went to bed
5. Came up with a laundry system to manage the madness
6. napped while Ada napped
7. there is truly nothing else I can say besides the obvious daily stuff

Things I wish I could do

1. Take Ada on a long walk everyday (she despises the stroller)
2. Take Ada swimming in our neighborhood pool every morning
3. Hire someone to clean my house
4. Eat 100% healthy all of the time without even thinking about it
5. Go to the beach with Scott and Ada
6. Live near my mom and sisters
7. Go on a shopping spree at Due Maternity
8. Figure out a way to get this house in shape and keep it that way

Shows I Watch

1. The Office
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Felicity (I do a lot of television on dvd)
4. The King of Queens
5. Lost
6. Curious George (Ada jumps up and down and runs in circles over this show)
7. Every once in a blue moon--Grey's Anatomy
8. The Biggest Loser

Favorite Foods

1. Chips and Queso from any Mexican Restaurant
2. Anything Mexican
3. Wings
4. guacamole
5. salad with ranch dressing
6. fresh tomatoes
7. lima beans
8. french fries

I could go on and on

Places I've Traveled

1. China
2. New York
3. Boston
4. The Bahamas
5. Philadelphia
6. Washington D.C.
7. Albuquerque
8. LA

I'd like to travel

1. England, England, and more England
2. Italy
3. Greece
4. More New York and Boston, please
5. Paris
6. back to China
7. Australia
8. I'm always up for a road trip to South Walton Beaches

People I tag:

anyone who wants to do it.

p.s. Ada is still awake (we put her down over an hour ago--we've been in there twice) and she is now singing the Veggie Tales theme song at the top of her lungs. "If you like to talk to tomatoes..."


Milla said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this! I am such a sucker for the list! And by the way, if you travel to England, England, and more England, let me know as I'd love to accompany you!! :)

I love veggie tales, but I guess you're probably tired of it by now, huh?!

Laura Forman said...

hey! just wanted to say...if you want to come to china you can come visit me :)