Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Baby Steps Continue

This is a picture of my linen closet. Why is it so full, you ask. It is so full because every single piece of laundry that I own is washed, dried, folded, and PUT AWAY. Can you believe it? Scott and I spent the whole weekend working on it, and I started the week ready to keep up with the laundry. So far, so good. My friend, Tutti, who will be making her blog premiere very soon (I hope), gave me this advice--do small loads all day long. She says that this way, the loads are manageable when it is time to fold them and put them away. And it is working.

Bed made? Check

Sink Clean? Check
Laundry Caught Up? Check

What's next on the list, you ask? Well, the list is long, my friends. The list is long.

This weekend I have big plans to clean off the top of my dresser, and the master bathroom, and finish organizing Ada's room. We'll see how all of that goes. Though Ada's room looks awful, I am actually in process of organizing, so something is being accomplished, you just can't tell from the picture.

Did I mention that I did organize the toys in the play room, though? That's a step in the right direction.

In the mean time, this is what Ada is up to while I am doing all of that organizing.


Elizabeth said...

Wow - that laundry thing. There's just Daddy and me, but it still is my worst thing. I naturally maintain the kitchen sink, and I finally do the bed - although unfolded clothes got to it today, before I could make it. But I probably am about to tackle that.

But the laundry. I'm VERY impressed with all of your folded clothes.

Love, MOM

Rachel said...

I LOVE Ada's room- I am obsessed with the bedding and the crib- our crib was given to us, so it wasn't my choice of color. And my mother in law bought my bedding, so I didn't want to pick anything too expensive- I am guessing ya'll bought all of that before Dave Ramsay kicked in, huh?

Katie said...

Ada is so adorable and your house looks great! I try my best to keep your goals in mind so that I can try and make some of them mine! (couponing is a big task to tackle! I am working on it though!)

Bethany said...

Great job with your laundry! I HATE doing laundry so it is also a goal of mine to keep it put away. I have the worst time making it from the dryer to the drawers or closet.

Good luck on your organizing this weekend. It will make you feel so much better when it's done. :)

Ada is looking adorable as always.

Lindsay said...

LB, Ada is a hoot! I love all the pictures y'all get of her doing stuff!

Amy said...

Augh, i need to get caught up on my laundry

Good job!

Ashley Turnbull said...

LB I'm so proud! It looks great - baby steps! Keep it up and hang in'll become habit!